The Financial Stress Quiz

Are you frustrated, fearful or freaked out about your finances?

If so, you are not alone.

Financial stress affects about 7 out of 10 of all Americans, according to a Prudential American Workers survey and a John Hancock Financial stress survey.

A mobile banking company, Varo money, found that 85% of Americans “sometimes” feel stressed about money, with 30% of Americans report being stressed about money “all the time.”

Millions of people experience financial stress… but few understand it.

Give me 5 minutes and I’ll prove it to you.

Take the Financial Stress Quiz below. financial stress quiz

It is a simple self-assessment tool to help you determine to what degree you are being negatively impacted by financial stress.

Answer the questions below, then read on to understand the BIG secret about financial stress and how to start overcoming it right now!

The Financial Stress Quiz

Answer the 10 questions below on a scale from 1 to 5.

1. Do you find yourself dwelling in regret? You think about money you’ve lost or financial mistakes you’ve made in the past.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

2. Do you have fearful thoughts about your financial future? You are afraid you’ll never have enough to retire or live the life you want because of a lack of money.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

3. Are you losing sleep because of financial stress? You find yourself awake in the middle of the night thinking about financial problems.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

4. Do you experience a loss of control or power when it comes to money? You worry about how the economy, stock market or other forces might impact your income or investments.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

5. Does money impact your relationships? You have arguments with your spouse, partner, or other family member over finances or find yourself jealous of friends with more money.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

6. Have you ever lied about a purchase, a debt, or a financial decision? You keep secrets about money and find it difficult to be honest about it, from the IRS to your significant other.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

7. Has your health been impacted by financial stress? Your body may FEEL stressed when you think about money (tense muscles, upset stomach, agitation or exhaustion) and that stress may get in the way of health and healing.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

8. Do find yourself procrastinating or unable to take meaningful action with your finances?
Your financial situation leave you feeling frozen with fear, overwhelm or indecision.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

9. Do you ever feel depressed or ashamed because of your financial situation? You have been emotionally impacted by your finances which impacts your self-image and quality of life.
(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

10. Is money your “scapegoat”—the reason you give yourself and others for not living the life you want? You find yourself saying things like:

  • “I’d love to travel more, but I can’t afford it.”
  • “I’d want to start my own business, but I don’t have the money.”
  • I’d like to buy this or do that — but I can’t afford it.”
  • “I wish I could make a bigger difference, but I don’t have the money.”

(1 = Never, 2 = occasionally, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = all the time!)

financial stress millennialNow, tally your score. Out of 10 questions, your total possible score ranges from 10 to 50.

If your score is 20 or below, you either don’t have much financial stress or you are effective at managing it.

If you scored 21 to 30 financial stress affects you.

If you scored 31 to 40, financial stress is a major factor impacting your peace of mind and well-being.

41 points or more? You’re in a financial stress crisis!

No matter your score, there’s another reason I asked you to take the quiz. You see, it reveals a shocking truth about financial stress.

What if I told you the quiz wasn’t about money at all!?

If you go back through the questions, you might notice something VERY surprising. (I wrote the quiz, and even I was shocked when I saw it!)

I didn’t ask you:

  • What your income is.
  • What your expenses are.
  • If you’re living paycheck to paycheck.
  • Whether you have an emergency fund.
  • If you have revolving credit card balances.
  • Or whether or not you own your own home, have a retirement account, and have good credit!

I didn’t ask you ANYTHING about your financial situation!

money worriesI only asked you how you RESPOND to your financial situation—whatever it happens to be. I asked for your perception of your finances and how that perception impacts you—not the FACTS of your finances.

The facts also matter, but the mind is the filter that interprets the facts.

You see, financial stress isn’t just financial—just as prosperity isn’t only financial. It affects your emotional, physical, spiritual, relational, social, and economic well-being.

Living in a state of Prosperity or Scarcity affects all of life—and all of you.

Actually, the root of the word wealth means “well-being.”

Financial stress, you could say, is the lack of well-being.

And anyone in any situation can experience this lack of well-being.

  • The exhausted single mom living paycheck to paycheck.
  • The young adult with student debt in a job that makes them wonder why they bothered getting a college degree.
  • The married couple earning healthy six or multiple six figures—who spend everything they make and feel trapped on a hamster wheel.
  • People in their 60’s and beyond who worry they’ll never be able to stop working because they haven’t saved enough to retire.
  • The business owner who has to use his own credit or assets to make sure his employee’s paychecks don’t bounce during lean times.

Anyone can suffer from financial stress.

financial stress reliefI’ve coached millionaires and multiple-six figure earners, and no one is immune from financial stress.

Financial stress doesn’t automatically occur at a certain income or specific amount of debt. It is not a dollar figure or even a lack of dollars. (Have ever heard of a financially stressed monk? Or consider why the humble people of Fiji—not a wealthy country—are ranked as some of the happiest people on earth?)

Financial stress occurs when you RESPOND or REACT to your financial situation—whatever it may be—in a way that compromises your well-being. It occurs when you reinforce beliefs of scarcity and “not enough,” and that belief becomes your reality.

Financial stress is a state of resistance that impacts your peace of mind, your health, your relationships, your joy.

Ugh, it’s not fun to think about financial stress!

But there’s actually GOOD NEWS about financial stress…

Because it’s not “just” about money… because it’s also about mindset and how you respond and react… you have a greater ability to lift yourself out of financial stress than you realize.

financial recoveryMost people think they’re doomed to be financially stressed until their financial situation changes. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can start making changes NOW that will begin to restore the well-being you have lost.

You can take back your power NOW.

You can begin to master financial stress in the most important arena possible—your mindset. And when you do, you begin to translate those wins into real-world benefits:

  • Improved health.
  • Better relationships.
  • Peace of mind.
  • Clarity of priorities.
  • Self-love and self-acceptance.
  • And yes—more money, too!

When you master your mindset, you can get more done, stay focused on priorities, and shortcut your path to success!

Turning financial stress around

Yes, the money part DOES matter. It IS important to save more, reduce debt, and protect our assets from loss. Equally important is empowering yourself to handle life’s challenges with grace and strength. Endless studies demonstrate the importance of:

  • meditation
  • exercise
  • prosper rest and nutrition
  • journaling
  • and gratitude.

I encountered a HUGE financial storms myself, losing virtually “everything”—including my health and my home—during the Great Recession. And in the eye of the storm, I had to find my own personal power and peace of mind… even when creditors were calling and my circumstances looked hopeless.

Read the story (and what I learned) in my free 22-page guide, “Breakthrough to Abundance: 4 Reasons you’re Stressing over Money—and How to Break the Cycle Forever!”

Now it is my MISSION to help people live deeply fulfilling lives free from financial stress! Follow Total Wealth on Facebook where I keep the conversation going about

  • Financial stress myths and solutions.
  • Taking control of your mindset.
  • Benefiting from personal growth hacks and habits.
  • Telling yourself a different story.
  • And taking positive action.

Kate PhillipsI can’t wait to share with you!

P.S. Practice receiving by downloading my 22-page mini-ebook, “Breakthrough to Abundance!”



2 thoughts on “The Financial Stress Quiz

  1. Ellen Koronet

    Excellent Kate!!!!!! As a seasoned quiz methodologist, I love what you did with your quiz! Especially the analysis! Spot on!

    I’ll be driving but I’ll see if I can turn the audio on! Any visual will come later!