Memorial Day

In this time of reflection, let us remember

What our forefathers have discovered

What our ancestors have taught us

What our soldiers have sacrificed

(and what those sacrifices might have to tell us about the importance of peace.)

MLK Memorial Flag Poster by artist Edie B. Eisenberg

(MLK Memorial Flag Poster by artist Edie B. Eisenberg)

Let us learn from history, not mindlessly repeat it.

Let us learn from our teachers and mentors, keeping the best of what they have modeled and taught.

Let us learn from the ancestors, mentors and teachers of those who are different from us, and discover the common threads that weave us together.

Let us recall our own lessons, learning from every experience with open minds and hearts.

Today, let us fly the flags that mean the most to us, declaring our commitments and pursuing our passions.

Let the flags of our own possibilities fly in spite of the pessimism, doubts, or criticisms of others.


Let us follow our desires in spite of a history (personal or national) that might suggest something “can’t be done,” not succumbing to discouragement or complacency.

Today, let us create anew the possibilities we wish to see in the world.

Let us create new memories that will be celebrated and cherished tomorrow.

Today, let us become the people we intend to be,

and live as we wish to be remembered.

One thought on “Memorial Day

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